The Reepham Homeopath

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01603 879 466
About Me...

St John's Wort
Known for aeons as an effective herb against depression, it is also a homeopathic remedy par excellence for treatment of nerve pains or damage.
Injuries to coccyx, fingers, spine, anywhere rich in nerves, hypericum is a great treatment for helping to heal and soothe neuralgic pain and rebuild nerve tissue.
Louisa Dreisin MA LCPH MARH RHom HbT
I first discovered homeopathy after a terrible relationship break-up when I was 22. I had very black depression and struggled to function properly, especially in my job as a teacher. My cousin introduced me to her homeopath and after about 6 weeks of remedies, I experienced an incredible lightening of mood, as if the sun had come up in my black world. My poor homeopath was delighted when phoned at 6.45am to tell her, and it was only years later when I met her again, that she told me she had given me a new remedy called Stonehenge Light, which was made from the rays of the solstice sun, rising over the stones of Stonehenge. I was hooked!
I qualified from the College of Practical Homeopathy in 2005, after a four year course. The subsequent 15 years have only increased my fascinating with people and their lives. I have been working with a wide range of clients and their very wide range of issues! I am warm and approachable, and I am genuinely interested in people and their life stories and how they come to be where they are now.
The Homeopathy that I practice is called ‘practical’ because I use a wide range of methods to treat whatever you come in with. Part of my case-taking is to work out what sort of treatment would best suit your situation and prescribe accordingly. I enjoy what I do hugely and my clients will comment on how easy I am to talk to. No subject is taboo and, in my opinion, there is nothing that cannot be made to feel better, given time and treatment.